Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Has social media increased the quality of news and information or decreased it?

Social media has allowed everyday citizens to become authors, editors, and publishers of news and information. Do you believe that social media has increased the quality of news and information or decreased it?
Social media has definitely increased the quality of news and information over the years allowing for everyday citizens to become authors, editors, and publishers of news and information.  Social medians such as Twitter and Facebook have revolutionized the way in which new and information is presented. This is a great way to get people involved by voicing their own opinions therefore eliminating any bias of one specific newspaper, radio station, or even television station.  Certain new channels/stations allow for everyday citizen to upload footages of video, or voice their opinions on topic that are news worthy for instance photos of crimes that an individual might have witnessed take place and allowing them to speak on it. As a result there is an increase in the volume of news and information that reach the masses, but this may result in a decrease in the quality of news and information that people are receiving.  Citizens may question the credibility of these people sources as well these business allow for these post.


  1. as long as people are smart with the information they ingest, i agree with your post entirely. the easability of finding up to date, or adding photo's/videos to newssites is increasingly gaining popularity. i think that social media has increased the accessability but not the credability persay.

  2. I enjoyed your post because of how concise and to the point you were. I'm also very glad that you made note of how the quality of news would reduce. I think that the internet can be a great place for sharing information and news, most especially if it's based on personal experiences and developments, or by spreading the news amongst other people as a more extensive "grape vine" if you will. The problem with the grape vine is that much like the game broken telephone, somewhere down the line the original account of the story is going to become convoluted by individual opinion. In a way, online news and information sharing is becoming something like an international gossip column. It's more difficult than ever to know who to trust or who to turn to when you're looking for a reputable news source, or for that matter the full and honest story with solid credentials to back it up.

  3. I liked what you had to say! its true that anyone with something to say can have it publicly available and even referenced to.. but its the subject matter and maturity that discern's whether its quality information or not.. It's also what you may consider to be 'quality information'
